Hello! I love that you are here because that probably means you are as excited and passionate about Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) as I am. Whether you are just curious and looking to get more information about EFT supervision or you are ready to get started right away, welcome.
Sex Therapy Consultation
Michelle is a AASECT Certified Sex Therapist with over 15 years of experience working with couples.
Michelle loves to talk EFT& Sex Therapy
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1pm- 2pm CST
EFT Supervision
My initial, and a main focus, throughout supervision is to foster a collaborative relationship between myself and my supervisees. I respect my supervisees as professionals who have a base of valuable knowledge they are bringing to the EFT model. I am interested in learning how I can best support my supervisees. In the first session I will ask about your EFT goals and what you hope to get out of your EFT supervision. It is my intention to be a safe and trusted partner on your EFT learning journey in whatever capacity is most beneficial to you.
I let my supervisees know I welcome them speaking freely with me. It is my responsibility to ensure they feel open to share obstacles and struggles they face with clients, as well as, concerns which may arise in our supervisee/supervisor relationship. I value supervisees’ feedback and their communication.
What to Expect
As needed and requested supervision may include refining specific EFT skills and interventions, role playing, providing feedback on areas of strength and growth areas as well as self-of the-therapist work. I also offer key skills to practice between supervision sessions and provide EFT resources as needed.
Role plays have been one of the most valuable learning tools for my own growth in EFT. I jump in and out of role plays throughout supervision sessions. It is equally powerful for supervisees to step into the therapist role, trying on a new skill and to observe me as the therapist demonstrating a skill. Role plays also provide an assessment tool where I can see which skills are continued areas of growth and the level of comprehension and internalization of a concept.
It is critical to keep supervision grounded in attachment theory and the EFT model. I utilize the EFT steps and stages, asking supervisees which stage and step their couple is currently in as we are discussing a case. I reference the EFT tango and when appropriate place the supervisee’s question or a stuck point into the tango. For example, “It sounds like you were working to explore more primary emotion in the tango and getting stuck. Is that accurate?” I also help the supervisee keep the couple’s cycle in the forefront of their mind by asking questions about the couple’s cycle. I may reflect and ask, “So the wife’s action tendency is to get more upset and try to explain and give examples?” “How does her partner respond to her getting more upset and repeating examples of what upsets her?” “Have you heard any cues that tend to get their cycle started?” I am continuously holding the focus of the EFT model and techniques in supervision sessions by using EFT interventions in my reflections, feedback, and role plays.
It can be very scary the first time you show your work to another clinician. I know it was scary and nerve wrecking for me to start recording then review my sessions with supervisors. I hope to give you what my supervisors graciously provided for me, support and encouragement.
As you are ready, I will encourage reviewing your recorded sessions because viewing sessions enriches the supervision experience. It is also an important part of the process of certification if you are interested in the certification track. As supervisee’s have shared their fears and uneasiness about asking couples to record sessions, I have validated their fears and helped them create a plan to ask couples for permission to record sessions. I also share resources, such as language which can be used when asking permission to record and examples of consent forms. We can use your recording as a jumping off point to discuss a certain skill or question which is coming up.
As a white, cisgender, heterosexual women I recognize I have unearned/unfair privilege. I am also aware that I have unexamined biases and beliefs. I am continually working towards examining my biases and beliefs, especially those which may be harmful for others and myself. It is an on going process. I committed to learning more about myself and others in a way that creates space for our differences and similarities. I will make mistakes and I will keep trying. I want to create a supervision relationship that values and welcomes differences among us. I want to uphold my values of equity and inclusivity, inviting supervisees, if they should choose or feel comfortable, to make me aware of micro aggressions I may display in hopes of making supervision a safe place for supervisees to learn, grow, take risks, and be vulnerable.
Please read more about the equity and inclusion work happening at HCEFT which I’m proud to be a part of and support.
I hope I have demonstrated both my passion for EFT and commitment to maintain and uphold the core values and heart of EFT as an EFT supervisor. I am a lifelong EFT learner, continuing to learn and grow as a professional. I will continue to gain valuable supervision myself with individual supervision sessions as well as in group supervision. I am in a Supervision Group for Supervisors. I will continue to strengthen and expand my EFT skills by continuing to take valuable EFT trainings and engage in EFT supervision myself.
Please email me if you would like to learn more about working with me in individual or group EFT supervision. I look forward to being in touch.