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Online Individual Counseling

Are you searching for a counselor and feeling uneasy about going in person but unsure if online counseling will meet your needs? I hear you and I can help.

Your concerns are valid. Not wanting to meet in person, makes sense in our current circumstances. You also deserve to have good help with someone who you can trust and with whom you can easily connect.


I transitioned to on-line counseling exclusively in March due to COVID-19. I have continued therapy with existing clients and began therapy with new clients on-line. I have learned a lot through this process and created a practice which makes on-line counseling safe and beneficial. I am grateful to have had my own personal experience, as a client, utilizing on-line support. I have worked, as a client, with a parenting consultant in Australia. I know what it is like to be on both sides of the screen. Thanks to the internet, I have not been limited to a radius around my home to find the right person and the kind of help I desired. Now I too can serve clients anywhere in Texas.


  • Saves time – you now only have to set aside the time for your appointment not additional time to commute
  • You no longer need to live nearby our office or even in the same city
  • You can connect with me from the privacy and comfort of your home or office
  • You can continue online counseling or join me in person once in person sessions resume


After scheduling an appointment you will receive an email invitation to my client portal where you can complete the new client forms. Please complete at least the day before your appointment.

Our session will be set up through Zoom. You will receive a a zoom link prior to your session.



  • Find a location that is private and quiet
  • Sit somewhere comfortable so you can relax and focus
  • Sit facing windows so your image is well lit (vs with windows behind you which casts shadows on your face)
  • Use a sound machine or bathroom fan outside your door so our conversation remains private
  • Silence other devices that may cause distractions such as cell phones, televisions, and tablets
  • If you find yourself getting distracted by seeing yourself on camera, you can use a post-it note to cover this part of your screen


In the event that we experience a technological disruption during our session these are the steps I will take to minimize the interruption.

  • You may choose to test your internet connection with a friend using Zoom, Facetime, or What’s App, or a free 15 min consultation with me
  • End connection and call again in hopes for a better connection
  • Unable to connect – Send you a zoom link via e-mail switching over to a HIPAA compliant zoom session
  • Delayed image or connection – Continue using the visual display on Telehealth by Simple Practice and call over the phone to have a seamless audio connection
  • Switch to phone only for remainder of session
  • Trouble shoot technological changes for next session


LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist