COVID-19: Resources for stress, overwhelm, & anxiety

We are all coping with uncertain times during this COVID-19 outbreak.  Naturally uncertain times bring stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Our self-care is always important but now it is essential.  I want to share a few of my favorite coping tools for this stressful time.

  • Limit news intake - While staying informed is very important, notice if your news intake goes beyond what is necessary. Notice your stress level in your body before, during, and after taking in news.


  • Move your body: Exercise, dance, or walk - move your body in any way that is enjoyable and relieves stress.


  • Get outside a couple times a day, if possible, while maintaining COVID-19 guidelines for your area.


  • A mindfulness based podcast to help cope with overwhelming thoughts and emotions. 10% Happier Podcast is currently doing a series related to coping with COVID-19. Check out their other most recent podcasts as well. Other topics include: Parenting in a Pandemic and Working from Home.




I hope you find the tools above helpful.

Wishing you and your family a safe and healthy day!

Michelle Puster M.Ed., LPC

Katy Couples & Wellness Counseling

Helping moms replenish and restore

Counseling Katy | West Houston