Mindful Mama Challenge # 5: Hugs 

In an effort not to get stuck in the funk of the daily parenting drudgery, it helps to hyper focus on the moments that fill our hearts. Hugs are one of those heart fillers for me.

Transform Whines into Giggles

Not only are hugs fulfilling for us but hugs also help strengthen our connection with our kids. Hugs can break the tension when our little ones begin to get grumpy, unreasonable, or generally unpleasant to be around, transforming whines into giggles. Therefore, I like to initiate hugs when my kids are needing them the most and probably me too.


Notice your little one’s face when you embrace them. Are they smiling and laughing? Eyes closed and just soaking it all in? Or are they relieved to be crying into your arms? Does their energy start to settle and breathing start to slow down a bit?


What Happens to You Inside

Now notice what happens to you inside when you are holding your little one. Are you too relieved that their crying is dissipating?  What do you feel in your chest as you embrace your child?  Does it feel warm or expansive? Do you notice an openness?


Notice Without Judgment

At times when I am having a really hard day I do not notice any of these more pleasant feelings and instead I feel closed off and guarded, like someone else is taking from me again and I have little if anything left to give.  Either is ok. I am sure we all have a preference to the earlier descriptions but when we inevitably are having a hard day try to notice without judgment whatever may come up for you in these moments.


There are so many wonderful daily events that we can easily overlook and skip past.  Hugs can easily become an unrecognizable part of the landscape of life or we can tune into a hug helping it stand out in our day. I hope you have enjoyed slowing down and having a mindful hug.

Michelle Puster M.Ed., LPC

Katy Couples & Wellness Counseling

Helping moms replenish and restore

Counseling Katy | West Houston

This post is brought to you by Hold Me Tight Houston. A 2 Day couples weekend workshop October 20th & 21st. You are practicing a wonderful bit of self-care, don't forget to care for your marriage. Registration NOW OPEN! Hurry Space is limited.