Mindful Mama Challenge # 7: A Mindful Walk  

Yes, it is super hot in Houston at the moment and walking outdoors may not be on the agenda for awhile.  No worries, this can be a very short walk or anytime you are outside with your children.


Park, Pool, Bike Ride, or Walk

I am not sure about all kids but my kids are like different people outside. They seem to be happier. There is less fighting. They play more independently and seek me out less. If anyone is upset the crying or whining it is a little more bearable outside. So, park, pool, bike ride or walk we get outside a lot.


You can use this mindfulness practice with whatever outdoor activity you may enjoy with your children.

Look up. 

Look up.  What is happening in the sky? It is cloudy, sunny, or a mix of both? Notice the air. Is it hot and sticky? Is there a breeze? How does the air feel on your skin?  If possible close your eyes and imagine being on a beach. Take a deep breath of the fresh air. Imagine you are breathing in salty ocean air while relaxing on a beach cabana. Vacation Breath.


What do you notice that is different about your children when they are playing outside versus inside? What is your favorite part about being outside with your children?


Do you feel any different outside versus inside? Is your mood affected in any way? Are your thoughts any different than when you are hanging out inside? Many mood studies site sunshine as having a positive effect on our mood.  Is there any truth in that for you?


Whether you love the outdoors and get out often or prefer to be inside and it is a rare occasion to be outside with your kids I hope you have a mini mindfulness practice that you can enjoy any time you are outside with your kiddos.


Michelle Puster M.Ed., LPC

Katy Couples & Wellness Counseling

Helping moms replenish and restore

Counseling Katy | West Houston

This post is brought to you by Hold Me Tight Houston. A 2 Day couples weekend workshop October 20th & 21st. You are practicing a wonderful bit of self-care, don't forget to care for your marriage. Registration NOW OPEN! Hurry Space is limited.